Pricing & Availability API

The Pricing & Availability API is Arrow’s interface for allowing client applications to search our parts database to retrieve price, inventory and other data. All API requests must be authenticated with a login and API Key.

If your company doesn’t have one already, then please visit the "Request API Key" page.

When issuing an HTTP GET or POST request to access a Pricing & Availability endpoint, specify the authentication credentials as parameters in the URI: &login=<login>&apikey=<apikey>

The current version of this API is v4, which means that all Pricing & Availability requests should include /v4/ in the URI. Those using prior versions may not receive all data described in the documentation.

Pricing & Availability Endpoints

Here's the complete list of endpoints supported by the Pricing & Availability API.

You can try any of these endpoints in our Developer Console

Resource Description
search/token Search for items using a search token
search/list Search for multiple items at once
lookup/manufacturer Map of manufacturers and corresponding codes
lookup/taxonomy Deprecated

Inventory Sources

Your API Key will be configured to search for parts from a specific list of inventory pools. By default, most API keys will search the first four sources in the list below:

  1. ACNA or NAC: Arrow North American Components
    • Normally a Minimum Order Quantity of 1
    • Same day shipping from the US on majority of parts
    • Prototype to Production
  2. VERICAL: Verical Marketplace
    • A wide selection of additional inventory from 3rd parties, in addition to Arrow inventory
    • End-of-life Parts
    • Shortage Buys
    • Production Procurement
    • Potentially slower fulfillment times
  3. EUROPE: Arrow Europe
    • Inventory from our Netherlands distribution center
  4. ASIA: Arrow Asia
    • Normally inventory from our Hong Kong distribution center
  5. AEP: AE Petsche
    • Product available from the AE Petsche division of Arrow, includes unique inventory and manufacturers
  6. C1S:
    • Product available from the Chip1Stop division of Arrow, includes unique inventory
  7. PSG
    • Product available from the Power and Signal division of Arrow, includes unique inventory and manufacturers
  8. RFPD: RichardsonRFPD
    • Product available from the RFPD division of Arrow, includes unique inventory and manufacturers



API requests to endpoints require the combination of login and apiKey

NOTE: The Order API and the Pricing and Availability API both use seperate keys.

If your company doesn’t have one already, then please visit the "Request API Key" page.

GET / POST Requests

Accessing a Arrow API endpoint using GET/POST parameters is the preferred approach.
On all requests, you must pass the following: login=<login>&apikey=<apikey>

Request / Response


  • Base url for requests:

Constructing Requests

Requests are made up of 5 components

  • Domain
  • Resource path
  • API version
  • language
  • Endpoint

To construct a proper request, you will need to format the URI as follows:


An example request, to search for parts might be:

The current version is v4.

Request Formats

All Arrow APIs support an optional return format parameter fmt=json. Note that json is the default response format. but xml is also available.

All Arrow APIs support jsonp which is the json format with a callback specified, such as:
