Check Order Status
The Check Order Status service automates the process of checking the status of an existing order. It is available at the following URLs:
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required |
username | The email address of the user making the status request | yes |
password | The SHA-256 encoded password of the customer | yes |
orderNo | The Sales Order number | yes |
format | Format response body as xml or json. The default is xml to support legacy code. New applications are advised to use json format instead | no |
Example API Call (must be POST method)
This example assumes the user specified by the username parameter is associated to the sales order number specified by the orderNo parameter{username}&password={password}&orderNo=WEB-SO100000
Response Information
Parameter names below are for XML formatted responses. JSON responses include the same information, but generally use more human-friendly labels.
- onm = order number
- currency = currency
- odt = order date (in millis)
- stat = current status
- custhold = the reason for the current status
- custholddesc = more verbose reason for custhold
- tot = the order total
- spto = ship-to address
- rcpt = ship-to name
- dshc = domestic shipping code (ie, United Postal Service)
- dshs = domestic shipping service (ie, Ground)
- trkg = tracking number information
- osrc = order source (ie, VERICAL, ARROW)
- desc = the item description
- edd = estimated delivery date (in millis)
- esd = estimated shipping date (in millis)
- limg = the large image URL
- slt = shipping lead time
- num = line number
- lpc = total price of the line
- mfr = manufacturer name
- mpn = manufacturer part number
- mid = manufacturer id
- qty = the quantity ordered
- zn = shipping zone
- simg = the small image URL
- upc = unit price
- id = item id
Example Response
By default this API returns XML, below is an example formatted in JSON.
{ "no": "WEB-SO23890571", "invoiceNo": null, "currencyCode": "USD", "customerNo": "H000578332", "paymentMethod": "WIRE", "paymentToken": null, "billToAddressId": "H000558298", "shipToAddressId": "H000558298", "ucAddressId": "H000558298", "discountCode": null, "discountDescription": null, "poNumber": "QATEST", "ipAddress": null, "gaCustomerId": null, "gaCampaignId": null, "source": "Arrow", "totalBeforeDiscountAmount": null, "totalBeforeDiscountAmountLCY": null, "totalDiscountAmount": 0E-20, "totalDiscountAmountLCY": 0.000000, "exchangeRate": 1.00000000000000000000, "totalAmount": 6.63000000000000000000, "totalAmountLCY": 6.630000, "itemTotalAmount": 0.13000000000000000000, "itemTotalAmountLCY": null, "shippingTotalAmount": 5.99000000000000000000, "shippingTotalAmountLCY": null, "feeTotalAmount": 0E-20, "feeTotalAmountLCY": null, "taxTotalAmount": 0.51000000000000000000, "taxTotalAmountLCY": null, "taxType": "Sales Tax", "customerType": "OTHER", "communicatedStatus": "Cancelled", "orderDate": 1582675200000, "shipmentDate": null, "arrowCustomerId": null, "webCustomer": null, "billToAddress": { "customerNo": null, "code": null, "name": "test address", "company": "test address", "street1": "4582 S Ulster St", "street2": null, "city": "Denver", "stateProvince": "CO", "postalCode": "80237-2632", "country": "US", "phoneNo": "874287447", "emailAddress": null, "webAddressType": null, "vatId": null, "crCode": null, "ultimateConsignee": false, "billingAddress": false, "shippingAddress": false, "termsAddress": false, "resellerCertFilename": null, "resellerCertExpirationDate": null, "resellerCertStatus": null, "resellerCertAttachmentNo": null, "resellerCertUploaded": false, "resellerCertAttached": false, "resellerCert": null, "defaultBillingAddress": false, "defaultShippingAddress": false, "defaultUCAddress": false, "saved": false }, "shipToAddress": { "customerNo": null, "code": null, "name": "test address", "company": null, "street1": "4582 S Ulster St", "street2": null, "city": "Denver", "stateProvince": "CO", "postalCode": "80237-2632", "country": "US", "phoneNo": "874287447", "emailAddress": null, "webAddressType": null, "vatId": null, "crCode": null, "ultimateConsignee": false, "billingAddress": false, "shippingAddress": false, "termsAddress": false, "resellerCertFilename": null, "resellerCertExpirationDate": null, "resellerCertStatus": null, "resellerCertAttachmentNo": null, "resellerCertUploaded": false, "resellerCertAttached": false, "resellerCert": null, "defaultBillingAddress": false, "defaultShippingAddress": false, "defaultUCAddress": false, "saved": false }, "ucAddress": { "customerNo": null, "code": null, "name": "test address", "company": null, "street1": "4582 S Ulster St", "street2": null, "city": "Denver", "stateProvince": "CO", "postalCode": "80237-2632", "country": "US", "phoneNo": "874287447", "emailAddress": null, "webAddressType": null, "vatId": null, "crCode": null, "ultimateConsignee": false, "billingAddress": false, "shippingAddress": false, "termsAddress": false, "resellerCertFilename": null, "resellerCertExpirationDate": null, "resellerCertStatus": null, "resellerCertAttachmentNo": null, "resellerCertUploaded": false, "resellerCertAttached": false, "resellerCert": null, "defaultBillingAddress": false, "defaultShippingAddress": false, "defaultUCAddress": false, "saved": false }, "creditCard": null, "webItems": [ { "lineNo": 1000, "shipmentNo": 1, "itemNo": "C_1184670", "description": "Diode Switching 0.2A 3-Pin SOT-23", "unitOfMeasure": "EA", "shipsFromCountry": "US", "quantity": 1.00000000000000000000, "unitCostLCY": null, "customerSpecificPrice": false, "unitPrice": 0.130000, "unitPriceLCY": 0.130000, "amount": 0.13000000000000000000, "amountLCY": 0.130000, "customerPartNo": null, "detail": { "baseUnitOfMeasure": "EA", "minimumOrderQuantity": 1.00000000000000000000, "orderMultiple": 1.00000000000000000000, "partId": "C_1184669", "manufacturerId": "GOODARK", "manufacturerName": "GOOD-ARK 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